Encourage Dreams Community Grant - Terms & Conditions

September Grant Round


  • By applying for the Enriched Care Solutions "Encourage Dreams Community Grant" (grant), you acknowledge that you've read these terms and conditions and that you agree to be bound by them. Information on how to apply forms part of these terms and conditions.

  • This grant is being run by Roberts Riverview Retreat Pty Ltd trading as Enriched Care Solutions (hereby referred to as ‘ECS’), ABN 70 109 623 395 of 212 York Street, Launceston Tasmania. To contact ECS, please call (03) 6335 2333.  

  • This grant is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook.


To be eligible to apply the grant you must:

  • reside in Tasmania;

  • be 18 years or older, or have the consent of a parent/guardian/nominee; and

  • be currently:

    • employed in a role within the disability sector; or

    • a relative of a person employed within the disability sector; or

    • a person with a disability

    • provide your name, phone number and an active email address


  • The grant application period commences at 7am AEDT on Tuesday 3 September 2024 and closes at 11.59pm AEDT on Sunday 22 September 2024 (application period).

  • To apply for grant, you must complete the ECS Encourage Dreams Community Grant application form during the grant application period.

  • If you applied for the grant and no longer want your application to be considered, you can opt-out at any time in writing by emailing communitygrants@enrichedcare.com.au.

  • No late entries will be accepted. Incomplete or incoherent entries will be invalid.

  • A limit of one entry to the grant per person or group applies.

  • There is no cost to apply

  • ECS reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of applications and applicants (including an applicant’s identity) and to disqualify any applicant who submits an application that isn't in accordance with these terms and conditions or who tampers with the process. Failure by ECS to enforce any of its rights at any stage doesn't constitute a waiver of these rights.


  • The maximum amount a singular successful applicant can receive is up to the value of $1000.00 (AUD).

  • The grant may be allocated to one (1) or more (2 +) successful applicants, with the value of $1000.00 to be split between successful applicants as per the discretion of the selection committee.

  • Grant amounts are to be delivered via bank transfer as at the publishing date of these terms and conditions. The total grant value is AUD $1000.00.

  • The grant doesn’t include any costs associated with redeeming the grant.

  • The grant isn’t transferable to another person.

  • The grant is not to be used for activities that are in direct conflict with ECS’s business interests (e.g. financing an independent support worker’s business).

  • If the grant isn't available for any reason, ECS reserves the right to substitute the grant with another item of equal value if the successful applicant agrees in writing and subject to any approvals from regulatory authorities. If the successful applicant doesn't agree despite reasonable attempts by ECS to reach an agreement and the grant isn't available due to circumstances beyond ECS’ control, ECS may substitute the grant with another item or items determined by ECS to be of equal value.


  • Applications will be judged by a committee by C.O.B. Tuesday 24 September 2024 at 212 York Street, Launceston, Tasmania.

  • The committee will be made up of representatives selected by the management of ECS. No members of the committee may be related to any applicants.

  • The successful applicant/s will be judged at the committee’s discretion. Their decision will be final, with no further correspondence to be entered into.

  • The successful grant applicant/s will be notified in writing and via a phone call by C.O.B. Wednesday 25 September 2024.

  • The successful applicant/s must provide their bank details for direct deposit of the grant amount ($1000.00 AUD) within 7 days of receiving notice of their selection.

  • The successful applicant/s will be announced on social media and via the ECS website by C.O.B. Sunday 30 September 2024.

  • Once the successful applicant/s have been announced, the September 2024 grant period is complete (grant period).

  • ECS reserves the right to extend the grant period end date at any time (subject to regulatory approval).

  • ECS reserves the right to not allocate the full $1000.00 to the successful applicant/applicants, with left over funds to be rolled into future grants if deemed appropriate.

  • ECS must deposit the allocated grant amount/s into the bank account/s of the successful applicant/s using the bank details provided within 28 days of the grant period closing.


If the successful applicant/s doesn't respond within 7 days of being notified that they've obtained the grant, the successful applicant/s aren’t readily identified and reasonable efforts have been made by ECS to identify the successful applicant/s were unsuccessful, they'll automatically forfeit their grant. The grant money will be withdrawn for the September 2024 period and rolled into future grants if deemed appropriate.



  • Subject to regulatory approval, ECS reserves the right to amend the grant and its terms and conditions at any time and for any reason, and will notify applicants of any such amendments as soon as reasonably practicable on the grant page at www.enrichedcare.com.au/termsandconditions It is the applicant’s responsibility to regularly check the grant page for any amendments.

  • If the successful applicant/s do not claim the grant within the defined time and terms listed, the grant will be withdrawn by ECS.

  • Nothing in these terms and conditions limits, excludes or modifies or purports limit, exclude or modify ECS’ liability in relation to the consumer guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law (Non-Excludable Guarantees). Except for any liability that can't by law be excluded, including the Non-Excludable Guarantees, ECS (including its respective officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability (including negligence) for any personal injury, or any loss or damage (including loss of opportunity) whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the grant including:

o     any technical difficulties or equipment malfunction (whether or not under ECS’s control);

o     any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference;

o     any application or grant claim that's late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by ECS) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of ECS;

o     any variation in grant value to that stated in these terms and conditions;

o     any tax liability incurred by the successful applicant/s; or

o     use of the grant.

  • To the extent permitted by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), if the grant isn't capable of running as planned including by reason of technical failure, fraud or any cause beyond Enriched Care Solution's control, ECS may cancel or suspend the grant or invalidate any affected entries, subject to regulatory approval.

  • By applying for grant, the successful applicant/s agree to participate in such promotional activity as ECS may require without remuneration. Each successful applicant/s also consents to the use and publication of their name, image and any other details provided by the successful applicant/s in any marketing material without any further reference or payment to the successful applicant/s.

  • ECS collects personal information in order to conduct the grant and comply with its legal obligations as ECS. For these purposes, ECS may disclose such personal information to related companies, agents, regulatory bodies, contractors, service providers and any company with whom ECS is running the grant. If you don't provide all the personal information we request, you may not be able to participate in the grant.

  • Please request Enriched Care Solution's privacy policy via writing to communitygrants@enrichedcare.com.au for more information about how ECS handles personal information, how to access and correct your personal information, how to make a complaint, and how ECS handles complaints.

  • ECS isn't liable for any tax implications arising from grant winnings, including fringe benefits tax. Independent financial advice should be sought.

  • The laws of Tasmania apply to this grant. Entrants submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the laws of Tasmania.