The JOY Of Working As A Disability Support Worker

“Helping one person might not change the world, but it might change the world for one person.” - Helen Barry

If you’ve ever worked in or adjacent to the disability support industry, you would know that it can be full of both joys and challenges. Too often the challenges become the focus of workplace discussion or media frenzy. So in this blog, we’re celebrating the JOY that can easily be found within the industry.

And where better place to start than with the words and experiences of one of our very own support workers, Patrick. We recently interviewed Patrick about his work with participant, Seth. We came away refreshed and inspired by what he shared, so we hope you will too. Happy reading!

Enriched Care Solutions (ECS): What’s your name and how long have you been working for Enriched Care?

Patrick (P): Hello! My name is Patrick, and I am a support worker at Enriched Care Solutions. I have proudly served in this role for over a year and three months, and it has been an incredibly rewarding journey. Working with our clients has brought immense joy and fulfillment to my life.

ECS: Who’s in your family?

P: I am thrilled to share that I am eagerly anticipating the start of my own family in November 2024 with my soon-to-be wife. This exciting chapter of my life brings even more enthusiasm and joy to my daily endeavors.

ECS: What do you like to do on the weekend?

P: When I'm not at work, I enjoy a variety of activities on the weekends. You can often find me playing volleyball, gaming, and catching up with friends. These hobbies provide a wonderful balance to my professional life, and I cherish the time spent with my loved ones.

ECS: What do you love about being a support worker?

P: Being a support worker has been a truly fulfilling experience. One of the aspects I love most about my job is the ability to empower participants, assist with capacity building, and witness their smiles, knowing I've made a positive impact on their lives. I also deeply appreciate the support and commitment from my fellow staff members and management. Each day brings new challenges and learning opportunities, not just about the role and the participants but also about myself, which keeps the job exciting and dynamic.

ECS: If you could give one piece of advice to someone who wants to become a support worker, what would you say?

P: For anyone aspiring to become a support worker, my advice is simple: understand that it is an amazing role where you can genuinely contribute to the betterment of others' lives. One of the most crucial skills to possess is the ability to listen and remain open-minded. Remember, there's always something to learn from the participants, and they can learn from you as well.

ECS: When you spend a community access day out with Seth, what do you get up to together?

P: I am thrilled to share the delightful experiences I've had with my client, Seth. Recently, we embarked on an exciting adventure with Sailability, where we enjoyed sailing through the picturesque parts of Launceston. The thrill of the wind and water was just the beginning. Our journey continued with engaging activities like basketball, bowling, endless fun at the arcade and lunch at Maccas. 

ECS: Why do you like working with Seth?

P: Being part of Seth’s team is incredibly rewarding. It’s not merely a job; it’s a passion. The opportunities to empower Seth through capacity building are both fulfilling and inspiring. Our activities resonate deeply with my own interests, making our time together feel less like work and more like a shared adventure.

ECS: What does Seth do really well?

P: Seth’s fun-loving and witty nature adds a unique charm to every experience. His enthusiasm for trying new activities is a constant source of motivation and joy. Whether we are sailing, playing sports, or exploring new games, Seth’s vibrant personality and willingness to embrace new challenges make every moment memorable.

In Seth, I have found not only a client but a companion who transforms everyday activities into extraordinary experiences. His zest for life and continuous pursuit of new adventures make our journey together truly special.

End interview.


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